Saturday, December 5, 2020

StackOverflow Frustrations

My Gripe

I posted a question about firebase and angular on Stackoverflow, because I couldn't find an answer after searching.  I was having an odd problem with permissions on my database.  I don't even remember the error I was getting, so don't bother asking.  Also, don't bother looking it up, because someone removed it.


I understand that it was my fault the error happened.  It was due to the fact that I had to enter myself into a database as an admin using a function I created to do just that.  In the normal use of that function, you have to be an admin to run the function.  So, I removed MY code that was blocking me from creating ME as the FIRST admin.  I have since found out there are other ways to do what I needed.  That is beside the point.

When I first added myself as admin, I used the value 'true' instead of true.  If you are a programmer, you know the difference, and I won't get into it.

Once I figured out what my problem was, I posted the solution as an answer to my own question.  I figured, even though it was a pretty obscure and specific problem, maybe it will help someone else with a similar issue with data types and show them it can happen anywhere at anytime.

But, some asshole removed my entire post.  They deemed it not worthy.  In my mind it WAS helpful, there was NOTHING negative about it.  It was CODE related, etc.  How can it be that ONE person, from a group of thousands, can decide that my post is not worthy, without any checks and balances?

Am I missing something?  I very well could be. They tried to explain it. I am honestly writing this MONTHS after it happened, and I don't care to look at the why anymore.  At the time I looked, it made no sense.  Something about it not being relevant is all I can remember.  

How can a problem with data types and how to fix an odd problem NOT BE RELEVANT?  I would bet that ALL things programming would be relevant.  It was definitely NOT a duplicate post.

Rant Over

In the grand scheme of my programming career, I truly don't give 2 shits.  It annoyed me, and I just had to vent about it.  I feel better, for now.  LOL.  I was probably more annoyed that I should have seen my absolutely stupid mistake first.

I tend to solve my stupidity faster than other people can see it.  

I hope anyone who reads this does NOT have the same issue with that site that I did, but I am sure others have gone through this.  Maybe I am just a little butthurt about it.    

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