Side Projects


What is a coder without side projects? 

That would be a coder with a life.  But, we coders don't have a life!

Yes, I am joking.  I have a life, and all coders need to have some interactions with real people IRL.  It keeps a coder from going insane.

Even though I have a life, I do have some side projects.  I have built a little journal app that lets a user just enter whatever they want, without worries of anyone else reading it.  I use it!

I am also working on a site for a friend that is for a set group of people.  It is a closed site, so there isn't much for other people to see.  I am excited to see it go live, soon.  He just has a lot of testing to do!

Recently I was talking to a friend and his wife about a site they would like.  I said that I can help them out and get them what they need.  They will design it, I will code it.  Just how I like it!  But, now that I am seeing more of what Blogger can do, they may be able to do 90% of what they want all in the blogger site!

I installed a Plex server on my computer for me to watch my old DVDs, but then I had to rip my movies so I could watch them (yes, I am watching movies I actually purchased).  But, the software I was using was adding '_' instead of spaces and '_title#' at the end of the file name.  I wrote a quick console app to run through the directory, replace the '_' with a space, and remove the '_title#' from the name entirely.  Pretty easy stuff, it also allowed me to change the name if I wanted.

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